Thursday 28 July 2011

23rd July

Well I had been looking forward to this day in a long time as it was one of my good friends weddings. Me and my friend Hayley went to Copthorne Church to Vicky and Chris' wedding which was awesome then off to the Felbridge for the wedding breakfast and the reception. It was such a nice day, me and Hayley were on the wine and couldn't actually wait to get dancing as we have some amazing moves. Anyway the music started, first dance was really nice next thing I know I am dragging Hayley to the dance floor so we can get are groove on. Then bam I fell down, apparently my legs spazzed out when I tried to get back up and then I was fireman carried out by a friends boyfriend and then passed out in a chair. Next thing I know is that I am being carried into an ambulance. At this time the only thing I was really concerned about was my phone as it wasn't in my bag, I guess the alcohol consumed had numbed the pain a bit. The ambulance was taking me to Redhill hospital were to my amazement I saw my Mum and Dad, I had no idea they had been told I was here and then my boyfriend followed.

At this point ankle was pretty swollen as you can see in the picture above.

I then apparently had an X-Ray (don't really remember this being done at all) and then was told my ankle was broken in two places. I then had to wait around for 3 hours for another X-Ray and then the cast was put on. The woman who did it was really evil and was shoving it around so painfully. Eventually when they had finished (and I had stopped shouting at them) they told me it had been done wrong and would need to be done again! I was really not happy at all so she said she would just cut off the top so I turned around and had to lay on my stomach when she cut off the whole thing! and did it again and it hurt even more than the first time. I then had to wait what seemed like forever to be told I could go home. They showed me the X-Ray which you can see below. I was then taken back home, thankfully we had just moved and were in a downstairs flat and made it to bed for what was possible the worst nights sleep I had ever had.

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