Wednesday 10 August 2011

9th August

Yay! Went to hospital again today and I was told that it was healing well and I get my cast off on 6th September! At least an end date is in site...well for the cast to be off anyway. I am dreading the physio! I went to visit my niece in the evening who loved my cast thought it was a new toy!

5th August

It really was about time something was done about my cast so my boyfriend and his little sister spent four hours on Friday night colouring it in with pens and nail varnish.

Thursday 4 August 2011

4th August

Nothing much happening today apart from having to venture down to the hotel for work and stupidly I wore shorts in the pouring rain so I had to embarrass myself going down there with bin bags tied round my cast!

2nd August

Today I had to go back to the fracture clinic and get another X-Ray to check everything is healing properly and luckily they said it was! I had to have another cast put on as the one from last week was getting too loose and t my surprise there was a massive kankle inside! I have a new plaster on now but have to go back again next week to get it checked to see if its doing its job! I cant actually believe this is my fifth cast on now...